Good evening,
Last week, you received the fat loss resistance assessment form (and if you didn\’t, I\’ve attached it with this email).
Why do I start with this form? As I mentioned in last week\’s newsletter, the majority of people will have no problems losing body fat if they eat right and exercise. But then there\’s the minority who can eat right and exercise and still not lose body fat. But how do you know which category you fall into before possibly spending months without getting anywhere? By looking at your symptoms. These are the symptoms that you see in the form. [If you would like to get a hold of this form, just subscribe to the newsletter by emailing your request to [email protected]]
Did you get a chance to look at it? If you filled it out, and everything was in the low priority category, you are part of the majority that should have no trouble losing weight (or gaining muscle or reaching most goals) by exercising right and eating right (and what exactly that means will be discussed in future newsletters).
But what if you had 1 or 2 or more factors that were in the high priority category? Then you may be part of the minority that will have problems losing weight (or gaining muscle or reaching most goals). If that\’s what I see with a client, I let them know that at this point in time, working with a naturopathic doctor to get a person\’s health under control will be more beneficial than personal training.
Diana Schwartzbein, a world-famous endocrinologist and author of the Schwartzbein Principle II says something very wise in her book (and I\’m sure I\’m misquoting, but I have the essence of it): \”You need to be healthy to lose weight, not just lose weight to be healthy.\”
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What is Trigenics?
I\’ve recently started offering Trigenics as a therapeutic service, and have been seeing some very impressive results with it. Here are a couple of case studies:
Until next week,
Fitness Director, Fitness Solutions Plus
[email protected]
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