Excuses (And Fat) Be Gone!

Excuses (and Fat) Be Gone!

 By: Michelle Armstrong

We’ve all heard them and we definitely have all used them; excuses have become an easy way to justify why we can’t do this and didn’t do that! “Everyone else was having one, it was my birthday (my dog’s birthday, valentines’ day etc.), but I haven’t had one in so long!” Insert own excuse.

Excuses seem to spew freely and unknowingly from our lips and before we know it they are not the odd feeble attempt to put off what we know should be done but have morphed into a regular part of our day to day vocabulary.

Excuses give us permission to put off today what can be done tomorrow. Starting a diet when cupcakes are staring you down seems easy enough to put off, or just picking up some fast food because we’re too tired to make dinner. The excessive use of excuses not only leads us astray but even worse, we start believing these fabricated stories we tell ourselves about why we can’t or can do something. They have become so second nature to us that we have actually managed to trick ourselves into believing these excuses as truths.

At the end of the day it comes down to how badly we want it!

As a nutritionist I coach 99.9% of my clients on how to …

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